Affordable and sustainable…

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Affordable and sustainable housing..... what does that look like and mean, actually, in 2022. Of course, there should still be the option for families to purchase a single family home but taking valuable, protected land to achieve huge profits for developers? That model already exists so how about adapting to the changing realities of our present lives - more dense, affordable housing (ie townhouses and condos) near parks, green space and public transportation hubs. These proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan are wrong for a variety of reasons not the least of which is that the Ford government breaks yet another promise with the people of Ontario. But putting politics aside (which is truly hard in this case), let's think about the world we are leaving our children. If these amendments are accepted, they will be left dealing with even greater impacts of urban sprawl, increased greenhouse gas emissions and less farmland for food production. Is that our legacy gift to them?