The general plan of…

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The general plan of developing our necessary ecological zones for the shortsightedness of building cookie cutter unaffordable single family dwelling homes on precious land is irresponsible and devastating. Housing crisis or not the overall climate and environmental spaces need to be protected and expanded upon, not bulldozed for new highways, single family dwelling urban sprawl and its wasteful commercial enterprises. The OPC's own housing commission provided many recommendations that are being disregarded for pure greed and short term gains of a select few, there is so much space in the Yellow Belt that could be densified. That should be the only amendment, not to the Green Belt but to making densification of already existing urban sprawl and reclaiming the green nature (although so much has already been irreversibly destroyed).

These amendments are of no benefit to the greater community in the long run and only show this governments shameful face of its connection to "donors" and "sponsors" that look to enrich themselves at the cost of our earths future as they will be see monetary gains now! This legislation and its amendments are shameful, this only shows the blatant corruption present in this government and should be shut down immediately for favouring the suggestions from the housing commission and especially densification. Lastly these amendments will do nothing to solve the housing crisis as the majority of these new useless and wasteful subdivisions will be bought up by investors and/or not be affordable for someone like myself anyways, i.e. a 33 yr old working individual with a decent income.

Corruption and money is not the way forward, we have already hit a point of irrevocable damage to this provinces green spaces and this wasteful form of greed will only continue to make this earth unlivable for any future generations as its already having such a negative affect on my own.

Stop this and stop with the shortsighted planning all for the pure notion of lining pockets and making wealth!