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I am writing with respect to the amendment to the Greenbelt proposed under the dubiously named 'More Homes Built Faster' plan. I am strongly opposed to this government's proposed plan.

The proposal details state that this action will create 50,000 additional homes while citing that the anticipated population growth in the GTA will be 1.5 million. Considering the size of the projected growth, why is this government prioritizing the development of unsustainable, single-family home tracts in protected lands? This despite the fact that there are numerous tracts of under-developed and under-used areas that are zoned for industrial or single-family use within existing developed areas.

Recent studies have shown that urban sprawl is the least economically attractive form of development. Tracts of single-family homes are net drains on our municipal tax bases. This government should be prioritizing development of mixed-use development in existing urban areas that contribute to healthier and more livable communities for current and future residents. Considering that the government has enacted reductions to development fees in Bill 23, local governments will be even more financially challenged to provide even existing levels of service as these financial tools are removed.

Taxpayers should not be subsidizing inefficient development in protected lands by private developers - especially ones that have made suspiciously timed investments in the subject lands that are now being opened by this government (who also have conveniently received campaign contributions from the exact same developers).