With the official plans…

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With the official plans being updated and changes to the urban boundaries there are already 14,075 hectares (34,780 acres) available for development in parts of southern Ontario, which include

• 4,647 hectares (11,483 acres)of new urban land added in Peel Region
• 3,878 hectares (9,583 acres) of new urban land added in York Region
• 3,350 hectares (8,278 acres) of new urban land added in Halton Region
• 2,200 hectares (5,436 acres) of new urban land added in City of Hamilton

At an average of 6.75 units per acre, the 34,780 acres dedicated for new urban expansion in parts of southern Ontario, these new urban lands could provide 234,765 dwellings and support population growth of 645,604, assuming an average of 2.75 persons per household.

The Ford Progressive Conservative government’s proposed removal of 7,400 acres from the Greenbelt for development of at least 50,000 new homes (6.75 units/acre) is unwarranted and solely for the financial enrichment of Ford’s Developer buddies who will make billions of dollars at taxpayer expense, while causing permanent environmental harm to our climate, species and ground water. An action by an irresponsible provincial Progressive Conservative government that flies in the face of the current climate change crisis, and a betrayal of public trust by Ford, who previously promised not to touch the Greenbelt. Ford is a lying politician with no moral compass.

• On Sept 15, 2022, Green Lane Bathurst GP Inc. (ASO: Michael Rice) purchased 688.49 acres in the Greenbelt in the Township of King for $80 million ($116,196 per acre), two months before the government announcement to remove 7,400 acres from the Greenbelt. Is this a coincidence or corruption at the highest level of the provincial Progressive Conservative Government? Why has the OPP not undertaken an investigation of this transaction to determine what, if any, crime has been committed?

• The De Gasperis families, who founded Tacc Developments and Tacc Construction, own 32 properties in three locations within the Greenbelt, which the Progressive Conservative government is proposing to open up for urban development, of which 28 properties cover 718 hectares (1,774 acres) in Pickering.

Permitting development in the Greenbelt will not solve any real or imagined housing crisis, as developers/builders will continue to control the supply of new housing units so as to maximize profits, with little or no regard for housing affordability. Immigrants to Canada should be encouraged to settle in already developed areas and communities that are serviced by public transit, that are walkable and cyclable, and that have sufficient social and cultural services to assist newcomers.

Paving over the Greenbelt with new car-dependent subdivisions will:

• damage the environment, cause flooding and increase urban sprawl

• destroy farms and eliminate some of the best soil on which to grow food, and lead to food insecurity. Growing crops in southern Ontario means a more cost-effective and efficient supply chain as the food has a shorter distance to travel to reach large urban centres, which also benefits the environment

• negatively impact endangered species in the area and endanger wildlife. Greenbelt development will kill biodiversity, increase flooding as developers pave over areas that serve as natural recharges which inhibit flooding

Kill Bill 23, and don’t permit development in the Greenbelt.