The Provincial Policy…

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The Provincial Policy Statement is a science-based policy framework that has been in place since 1997. What is the science behind the decision to remove land from the Greenbelt Plan? Did the Province consult with senior planning and ecology staff at MNRF, MECP, Conservation Authorities and Greenbelt Plan Municipalities? Did BILD provide input to this decision? If so, did BILD provide any science in support of their commentary? Did the landowners who will benefit from this decision provide any science-based data in support of the change? Did the landowners consultants provide any input? If so, where is the documentation and the supporting science? Was there any public consultation on the proposed changes to the Greenbelt Plan and the planning approval process moving forward?

The proposed changes to the Greenbelt Plan are just the "thin edge of the wedge" unless corrective steps are taken immediately. Open and transparent public/agency consultation would be a good start!

Brad D. Bricker, M.Sc.
Certified Senior Ecologist (ESA)
PLAN B Natural Heritage