Please please please don’t…

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Please please please don’t build on the green belt and protected farmland and wetlands! I am so horrified that this is going to happen. Environmentally these areas are so important to our sustainability of our future. You are now well aware we are facing down a climate crisis. We will experience more severe weather events; severe storms, flooding and drought. These protected lands help prevent flooding, they clean our drinking water. We need farmland for food production. Other countries are suffering famine as climate change impacts their countries. In the near future the value of farmland will skyrocket due to the decrease of arable land globally. Building on them will also increase urban sprawl, increasing our use of petroleum products as commuters increase in numbers increasing our carbon output. I know the Conservative party is not acting to diminish green house gases but increase them with increased gas and oil production. At some point I pray you recognize that decision is permanently changing the weather of our planet. The green belt and these other protected lands are very important to the health our planet. Once gone we must live with the consequences of flooding and poor water quality and food scarcity.
I also can’t bear to see Ontario looking like one giant development. I want the natural world to surround us. I want the rights of the animals and endangered species to be protected. I don’t want to see our provinces green spaces plowed up to please hugely wealthy land owners who are developers. I understand Degasperis and other huge developers have donated to your party and aided in the Conservative party election but you were elected to serve the people of Ontario. Developing these lands does NOT serve the people of Ontario at all. There already is land reserves for development. Please be ethical and not serve the wealthy interests of Degasperis and his ilk. The long term damage is insanely detrimental to our province and our planet.
Janet Snetsinger