Hands Off the Greenbelt The…

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Commenting on behalf of

Markham Village Conservancy

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Comment approved More about comment statuses


Hands Off the Greenbelt

The Markham Village Conservancy has partnered with the City of Markham since 1996, advocating and protecting the rich heritage of Markham Village.
Bill 23 is a very real threat to work that we have been doing for over 21 years.
The mandate of the Conservancy also encompasses natural heritage features as well and Bill 23 threatens sensitive environmental areas of Markham Village as well as Bill 23 taking already protected land from the Greenbelt to hand over to developers. How does any of this benefit Ontarians?
Extracting portions of the Greenbelt to add to urban sprawl is unconscionable. The lands being offered in exchange just drives the Greenbelt north and fails to protect already protected areas in York Region. Some of these lands are wetlands that protect our water sources and we cannot afford to lose! The rationale for removing protections from the Greenbelt is untenable. These protected areas provide Ontarians with air purification, clean water, fuel and fiber, natural habitat for wildlife, biological pest and disease control, pollination and soil formation, flood and erosion control, carbon storage, climate regulation and food security.
Healthy ecosystems equate to a sound economy, employment, recreation, education and reflect our culture!
A shortage of land to build on within the boundaries of the GTA is NOT the problem --- there is land available and densification needs to be the guiding principle to protect what precious farmland and environmentally sensitive areas we have. Read the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force Report – p. 10.
Weakening the Conservation Authorities by taking away their planning role is a serious move away from environmental protections at a critical time in our battle to curb climate change. Weakening the ability of Municipalities to manage planning is dangerous to us all. Removing the right of the public to planning meetings and planning appeals is removing our democratic rights.
We should not have to fight this fight again --- especially when you have promised, repeatedly, to protect the Greenbelt.
The Markham Village Conservancy opposes the changes proposed and demands that…
1) all amendments likely to weaken the protection of farmland and natural heritage be withdrawn and
2) the role of the public, Conservation Authorities and regional municipalities in environmental planning and decision-making be retained and upheld.

This radical omnibus Bill only favours wealthy developers.
This Bill is not in the best interests of Ontarians.
Hands off protected Greenspace land, forests, farmland and wetlands!