‘Trading’ lands in Paris…

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‘Trading’ lands in Paris Galt and lower River Valleys that are already protected under separate conservation legislation, or adding a supposed 2000 acres of lands that are less environmentally significant are not equivalent.
Building 50000 homes without parameters on developers for high intensification or environmentally sustainable construction is also a huge lost opportunity. Moreover, urbanized land already available for development can accommodate the population growth, even more so if this government put more stringent intensification legislation in place across the GTA instead of spreading outwards into protected lands and building unnecessary roadways to add comfort to humans while bringing nature to its knees. One only has to look at the low priority given to environmental impact for 5 of the proposed interchanges of the proposed Bradford Bypass to see this or that the MTO saying ‘it’s only 1% loss of provincially significant wetland when the math shows the huge impact even 1% loss would have on climate change and while other wetlands are also proposed for loss to the proposed 413.
Lastly, are we to anticipate an announcement as to how regions and municipalities will be able to apply for some of the provincial surplus dollars in order to put in place the infrastructure needed for the population growth if Bill 23 takes away the fees they rely on from developers to do so, the Greenbelt land aside?
Is this government really serious about affordable housing in communities that work and climate change combatting green space for future generations or simply quicker access to the cottage, rolling right over everyone else’s nature, or also padding the pockets of large donation election contributors? You are hearing loudly across this province, even from those who voted Conservative that this action is ill advised, unwanted and dangerous in precedent setting. Through the petitions I alone am aware of, almost 30000 signees agree, 577 from one I did myself, and protests in the dozens this month alone. Please read the room and look at alternative legislation that holds developers and regions accountable for higher intensification- build up not out!