I am writing to express my…

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I am writing to express my vehement opposition to the development of the Greenbelt and Bill 23. I was pleasantly surprised over the past two years by the Progressive Conservatives’ handling of the COVID – 19 pandemic. I thought that the government demonstrated a compassionate, empathetic, scientifically informed and measured approach to dealing with an extremely challenging issue. Ontarians are again experiencing some very challenging issues; housing, climate change and environmental degradation and inflation to name a few. The Conservative government is failing to demonstrate any of the same admirable qualities that brought us successfully through the pandemic.

Municipalities and experts alike have condemned the decision to develop the Greenbelt stating that these housing developments will do nothing to ease our current and near-term housing needs and will likely make these needs greater. These developments will more likely raise the cost of housing and increase the costs of home ownership. A more prudent, efficient and cost-effective strategy would be to build within our current municipal boundaries. Hamilton’s city council has put forth a development proposal that would meet its housing needs through 2051 within its current city boundary.

More importantly however, is our need for climate and environmental protection and preservation. These needs should be at the forefront of all development discussions. It is only through a holistic approach to development with sustainability and environmental protection that we will meet our current and future emotional, social and financial needs. By focusing on short term financial gains, we risk a healthy and sustainable future for our children and grandchildren. I ask you emphatically to repeal Bill 23 and once again listen to the experts.