I have a real problem with…

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I have a real problem with the lack of protections for our green spaces and wet lands. I have a read a lot about how this bill will not promote the sale of Affordable
Housing. Below is an exert from a document from Ontario Nature that presents an analysis of the impact these proposed changes, if implemented, would have on Ontarians. Taken together, the changes would:

Do little or nothing to address the shortage of truly affordable housing

Facilitate expensive urban sprawl and inappropriate high-rises at the expense of more diverse housing types designed for all stages of life and ranges of incomes

Divert limited construction materials and labour away from building mixed and affordable housing and direct them instead towards sprawl development, creating fragmented agricultural and natural landscapes

Remove from the Greenbelt thousands of acres of valuable natural areas and agricultural land and turn them into sprawl development

Undermine the protection of wetlands, woodlands, rivers, streams and wildlife habitat across Ontario

Destroy key land use planning processes that Ontario municipalities, conservation authorities and residents need in order to protect, manage and plan for climate-resilient ecosystems and communities

Create an ecologically vulnerable “Swiss cheese” Greenbelt by allowing land speculators to develop the lands that the government would have removed from Greenbelt protection.

The bottom line is that these proposed changes would bring chaos to land use planning in Ontario.