These proposed Amendments to…

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These proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan should be voted down and dismissed.

The Greenbelt is a vital part of maintaining a healthy ecosystem in the Greater Toronto Area. The governments proposed amendments will take away vital environmental ecosystems - both current natural habitats for plants and animals - as well as removing fertile agricultural land which is increasingly vital to insuring Canadian sovereignty and success.

That the government is proposing this after campaigning and promising to leave the Greenbelt untouched is, at a minimum, underhanded. Furthermore their rationale of needing to increase home building is false as industry experts state that increased density versus urban sprawl is the solution to the Canadian housing criss.

Ultimately the government is suggesting to remove green spaces from Canadians damaging the ecosystem and sustainability to not solve the housing crisis after promising that they would not do this. These proposed amendments should never have been proposed and they should not be accepted.