Re Proposed Amendments to…

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These proposed changes do not address the housing issue in a meaningful way. They will not address the housing crisis in affordable housing, which would be better served by a mix of housing options within existing communities and urban boundaries, and will instead contribute to excessive urban sprawl, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions from an increase in commuting and destroying trees that safely capture and store carbon already. The government failed to consult with First Nations or the municipalities immediately and directly affected by the changes, and undermined democracy by removing requirements for public meetings and the people’s right to appeal planning decisions regarding official plans or zoning by-laws. Removing developers' fees for infrastructure places a heavy burden on municipalities that must be shouldered by already economically-challenged ratepayers. Imposing housing developments with big carbon footprints also undermines the democratic process and caters to big developments to the detriment of those in need of affordable housing. These changes promote the opposite of walkable, affordable cities for families to live, work and play in that promote community, urban transit, public health and economic growth within neighbourhoods where it is needed. These changes also do not take into consideration the growing impacts of climate change in preventing conservation authorities from providing advice on environmental matters regarding planning and development. The proposed changes destroy prime farmland and natural habitats including wetlands, forested areas and offers little to no protection for species at risk and biodiversity. The proposed changes will lead to a bleaker future for young Ontarians who already must suffer the brunt of climate change and the actions of the generations who have created the existing climate crisis. The effects of these proposed changes will be long-lasting with all Ontarians bearing deep financial, social and ecological costs. Once the Greenbelt is full of Swiss-cheese holes due to unnecessary and destructive development, you can’t put it back together. The Greenbelt is protected because it needs to be protected, and we need it to be protected. If the changes proposed in this plan move forward in this egregious and undemocratic manner, what’s going to stop the government from taking more land and removing more oversight from the Greenbelt?