I wish to register my…


I wish to register my opposition to this proposal to make 10% ethanol a madatry feature of all low grade gasolines in Ontario. As antique car owner I have painfully discovered that ethanol does not sit well with older vehicles. It can cause no end of problems in the fuel systems. I have found the same problems with my lawn mower, chainsaw and other small engines. The dealers for these products tell me that it is due to the ethanol in the gas. These people are experts in there areas so I have no reason to doubt their word.
My understanding is that ethanol in gasoline reduces its efficiency and hence more gasoline is needed to get the same power. This would appear to be counter intuitive if we are trying to reduce the use of gasoline.
Finally as a member of the general rural community, it would appear the demand for corn by the ethanol industry is causing the price of corn to go up and divert it from food production, or at least drive up the price of certain foods. In a world where so many are starving, this doesn't seem like the humane thing to do. Surely we need to be trying to feed more people with the same output, not fewer!
Hence I request that you review this seemingly wrong decision. I will be contacting my MPP, MOE Minister Ballard and Premier Wynne on this issue. I will be also bringing this up as an issue in the up coming provincial election when it arrives.
Finally I would appreciate a reply from you on this issue.

[Original Comment ID: 211750]