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CANCELLING CAP AND TRADE PROGRAM IS WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!! As a strong advocate for what each of us can do regarding mitigating climate change, our family has done much in that regard, walking the talk so to speak.....we have geothermal heating & cooling (with integrated domestic hot water pre-heat), solar hot water, solar PV, a recycled/recyclable roof, and a well insulated home achieving an EnerGuide 88 rating. We do not use fossil fuels. We have also done what we can to help others take important steps as well....doing many community presentations. Climate Change is not to be taken is a LIFE and DEATH situation...if we do not take immediate steps to try and live in a more sustainable manner. We expect our government and its leaders to set a proper example (in our country and beyond).....not to the contrary. Cancelling the Cap and Trade Program and the use of that revenue to encourage and make possible more sustainable living, was not the right thing to do and not the right example to set. If is a very foolish move, cancelling something that was gaining significant momentum and buy in, unless you have something better and well thought out to propose. We want our province to be a leader in renewable energy and efficiency/conservation. We also do not want our province to act in contrary ways to federal efforts working to mitigate climate change. We ask you to bring positive leadership and an effort to work together for the best solution(s) possible. We expect more than what we are getting and are all ears. Also an incredible backward move was cancelling the Green Energy Program (that gave Ontario respect globally and clean air). As a result of the Green Energy Program, we are now seeing renewable energy competitive to fossil fuels and a major job creator for the middle class and a multi-trillion economic opportunity. Ontario was an important part of that economy that is now leaving for other markets who are charging forward into the new economy based on renewable energy choices. PLEASE WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!