The Nith Valley EcoBoosters,…


The Nith Valley EcoBoosters, a citizens' group with an environmental focus that is based in the Region of Waterloo, is concerned about the proposed changes to the OGSRA. In particular we are concerned about changes to this act that will facilitate the development of projects that are intended to store carbon. It is our group's understanding that old oil and gas wells are being considered for this purpose. Since the state of repair of these old wells may be questionable, it seems quite risky for them to be used for carbon capture and, in fact, this practice could be quite dangerous. The practice of carbon capture, as a solution to the climate crisis, is dubious at best. Instead of enabling a practice that's success is in question, we request that the changes not be made to the OGSRA and that the provincial government focuses on proven methods to deal with the climate crisis that involve reduction in our dependency on fossil fuels.