I urge you to support…

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I urge you to support Ontario’s current science-based pollution reduction targets. Those targets set the province on track to be nearly carbon neutral by mid-century, which is what is required if we hope to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, as agreed to by 195 countries in Paris.

Ontarians are already facing the growing impacts of extreme weather: flooded basements, forest fires, and health impacts from polluted air and extreme heat. Backing away from Ontario’s pollution reduction targets will threaten future generations’ ability to enjoy a safe climate.

The Government of Ontario is responsible for the long-term well-being of Ontario citizens, and climate change threatens our safety. Carbon pricing means we all pay a bit now to prevent the billions of dollars we'll incur as taxpayers and homeowners due to extreme weather events. It makes financial sense.

Furthermore, Bill 4 is going to cost taxpayers more money. Between the potential for lawsuits from businesses, and the cost of pursuing legal action against the federal government, the costs will be heavy. According to an article published by iPolitics, “provincial bureaucrats confirmed in [a] technical briefing that the federal back-up plan for any province that doesn’t have a carbon price by January 2019 will cost consumers more than the cap-and-trade program the Tories are axing.” The evidence is clear - cancelling cap and trade is not better for the taxpayer.

An effective, made-in-Ontario climate change plan must tackle the major sources of carbon pollution in Ontario including transportation, industry, buildings and waste. Without strong action to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from these sources, the people of Ontario will face serious consequences to our health and our environment.

The plan must also include adequate funding for pollution reduction programs, transparency mechanisms to show Ontarians how this funding will be spent, and firm commitments and timelines for regular reporting on the plan’s progress.

As a citizen and voter, I look forward to a plan that will transition Ontario to a healthier and more competitive province, create new jobs in many industries, and address the root cause of climate change by reducing carbon pollution.

The decision to cancel our climate plan is moving us backwards as a society and is deeply unpopular among the people. Climate change will destroy our Earth - we need government action that will save us.

Concerned Ontarian