Yes invasive species is a…


Yes invasive species is a real concern. But this strategy is truly not working. Operators now can charge OUTRAGEOUS prices for bait yi ykise ofbusvthst lice outside The BMZ.
I myself have stopped traveling to go fishing just because of this isue. I can't even trap my own minnows any more ... WHY NOT....
This is a real concern to those who I usually rent cottages ftom. Let alone the rest of the community. As we buy gas food... restaurants... entertainment for the family while we're not fishing.
This is in our culture and love sharing this with childeren and grand children but you are stopping this special part of our life.
For us responsible anglers and family's it is ruining our recreation time eiyh ouf family because Operators think now this is a license to get rich.
Think about it ..... on a recent trip to Ottawa Valley operator charged $ 1.50 per minnow. realy????