To whom it may concern:
As a resident who lives within 2 km of the quarry we have great concern over the stability and longevity of our water supply. Water is not something we take for granted. It is essential to survival.
Farmers have to follow rules regarding clearing fence lines, changing existing wetlands, are encouraged to be proactive in protecting species like the bobolink and the shrike and to plant trees on acreage etc. All in the name of stewardship. It’s time that mr Demill also is held accountable to environmental stewardship.
Concerns have been raised for years in regards to Demill holding and Longs quarry.
The constituent’s have voiced concerns for years and have been ignored. Please do not allow this devastation of water supply.
Submitted August 21, 2023 10:24 PM
Comment on
C. H. Demill Holdings Inc. - Permit to take water
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