I am writing to suggest that Flowering Rush (Butomus umbellatus) be moved to a 'prohibited' invasive species rather than only 'restricted' for Ontario.
In our region of northwestern Ontario, and particularly throughout the Winnipeg River and north end of Lake of the Woods, this aggressive invasive species has and is spreading rapidly. Especially around the Minaki area on the Winnipeg River, key impacts of concern that we've already noted are the following:
- altering and destroying fish habitat by displacing native aquatic macrophytes (“weeds”)
- dominating wetlands with monocultures, reducing biodiversity
- displacement / eradication of native wild rice stands, of cultural and economic importance to Indigenous peoples in our region
- increasing near-shore sedimentation, filling in the nearshore shallow areas and bays (aka littoral zone)
- Socio economic impacts – access to shoreline properties, potential loss of tourism, fisheries etc.
Merely restricting this species from being brought into Ontario does not send a sufficiently strong signal given the severity of impact this pernicious species has had in our region. Flowering Rush should absolutely be listed as the more consequential "prohibited" class of organism in Ontario.
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Submitted September 28, 2023 12:26 PM
Comment on
Regulating ten species and four genera as invasive species under Ontario’s Invasive Species Act, 2015.
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