Provide an impact study at…


Provide an impact study at York 1 expense, supervised by the ministry detailing the effects to area residents for every possible trucking route to the site from both the 401 and the 402. In this study, detail negative effects and mitigation plans related to:

A, truck exhaust pollution damages to buildings and homes

B, truck exhaust pollution damages on resident health

C, impairment to quality of life by increased traffic noise.

D, damage to historical buildings through increased ground vibration caused by daily fleets of trucks hauling thousands of tons

E, increased traffic load impact on residents and regular daily traffic patterns

F, mitigation plans for increased traffic safety risk

G, safety mitigation plans for increased heavy traffic in school zones

H, plan to ensure truck traffic is routed away from Dresden central core ensuring safety of aged populations access to essential services.

I, impact on roads and deteriorating bridges.

J, vibration damages of underground piping infrastructure from increased traffic of heavily loaded trucks hitting manhole covers.