I am strongly opposed to…


I am strongly opposed to this proposal for the following reasons:
1. the proposed dump site is too close to the town of Dresden and does not meet the standards set forth in Ontario Regulation 232/98, nor does it meet requirements of Ontario Bill 197.
Since the dump location and proposed operations are near the town, the following are likely to occur:
a) inevitable, repulsive odours are likely to spread throughout the town, reducing the quality of life in what is currently a quiet, "sleepy" town;
b) the nuisance and hazardous dusts generated in the recycling process will negatively impact households and have negative health effects on the residents of the town - (no more opening of windows due to the ingress of airborne contaminants!);
c) the noise generated by on-site machinery will not only be a nuisance, but can have negative health effects;
d) the noise emitted by the large volume of heavy trucks will reduce quality of life for people living in Dresden and surrounding area;
e) diesel exhaust emissions from the estimated large volume of heavy trucks will deteriorate air quality in the area;
f) roadways leading to the dump site (and through the town itself) are not designed for the heavy volume of heavy trucks expected, creating safety issues and rapid deterioration of all area roads leading to Dresden - a new burden likely to be carried by taxpayer;
g) the site is too close to waterways in the area (Molly's Creek and Sydenham River) which could easily become contaminated, thereby impacting sensitive areas resulting in the destruction of endangered species unique to this, and the downstream area. This may also impact the local food processing plant which has been a staple in Dresden for decades;
h) the conditions above, among others, will negatively impact the real estate market and residents will experience significant loss of value in their properties - all these negative impacts from a dump that we here in Dresden don't deserve, need or want.