As someone educated in…

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As someone educated in climate change impact assessment, working in the field of disaster risk reduction in Canada, and deeply concerned about the state of the planet that my future children will eventually have to live in, I believe that the Cap and Trade Cancellation Act is one of the most harmful pieces of Canadian legislation ever proposed.

There is absolutely no question that the climate has changed. Evidence is continually released proving that fact, and a fast-growing plethora of evidence strongly suggests that urgent and unprecedented changes are needed across all of humanity to limit the impacts of climate change that will affect our everyday lives, becoming increasingly disastrous in the coming decades.

Especially considering extremely recent events, including the publication of the IPCC's Special Report 15 (Global Warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius), and Nordhaus and Romer being awarded the Nobel Memorial prize for economics with regards to climate change and growth, I think that it has become absolutely clear that every single government plays a vital role in reducing carbon emissions and developing mechanisms that facilitate economic growth while doing so. The Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act was an effective answer for both of those goals.

I believe that repealing the Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act shows a complete disregard for the future of all Ontarians, Canadians, and the world at large. If the Cap and Trade Cancellation Act is approved, it will prove that the Ontario government does not care about our future, and it will send that message to the rest of the world.

All hope is not lost for us as the climate changes, please fulfill your moral duties as our government. Show that you care about us, our future, and the future of our children.