I am writing this letter,…


I am writing this letter, beyond belief, that we are questioning how unsafe York 1s plan is for their environmentally toxic landfill. A landfill that is less than 1 km from all of us who live here and allowing them to use our valuable farmland that will harm our soils and agricultural produce.

This site was used over 40 years ago as a small site for local residents only with incinerated ash and approximately 5 percent of town residents only waste. And to think the population of Dresden was much smaller at that time, as our grandparents always referred to us as a village!!

How is York 1 capable of claiming they can use the same documents and laws with no studies on how this oversized landfill will harm our waterways and wildlife? We already know to ignore all the safety risks associated with this landfill is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Risking our waterways with leachate
and pollution. Risking the ecosystem and endangered species with the same run off into Molly's Creek and the Sydenham River, as there is no feasible way this can be controlled with 100 percent assurance.

How is there even a decision to be made,when York 1 is going to bring 6000 tonnes of waste a day from the GTA, and up to 700 trucks with many of them being transports on our roadways. Our neighbouring communities are never going to support York 1. Petrolia, Thamesville, Oil Springs, Croton, Dawn Township, and many more dread even the thought of the traffic,safety and environmental concerns York
1 will cause. It's facile to see what a catastrophe this will be.

How can York 1s proposal even be contemplated when all the surrounding areas are in disagreement with the negative impacts on and to our roads and infrastructure? Our roadways cannot handle the impact from York 1. How can there even be a question concerning the safety of children walking and riding the bus to school?

A site that is absurdly close to our town causing noise pollution and debris coming off trucks that are hauling asbestos in and out for the cities gain. Can you actually put a price on our children's lives and our towns livelihoods. Devaluating us with huge losses to local businesses and development that will be depleted.

York 1 states they had meetings for the town. It is true there were a few town meetings BUT York 1 ran the show to fit their agenda. York 1 responses were less than clear or informative. It was like our voices didn't matter and the proposal was happening regardless of our towns solidarity angainst any part of it. They already had it posted on their website "coming soon".

It is environmentally unimaginable that York1 would disturb this area for their profit. Explain to an entire town how this is beneficial to house Toronto’s city waste and have no concern for our well being, safety and protection of our air,water and land

The older generations speak of how the world has gone crazy. This proposal for an unsafe landfill is just sad and significant proof that our elders are right.

Having to fight York 1s proposal, that makes absolutely no sense, and will bring distress to all of us
1 km away ........is beyond belief.