If the entire town of…


If the entire town of Dresden doesn’t want York 1 being 1 km from their town why isn’t anyone listening and doing something to help us stop this.

If an entire town is afraid for their safety from noise, air and water,
pollution ,and all the other unknowns that have been found in landfills for years, then why isn’t anyone listening

Endangering our waterways, risking flooding and risking the end to endangered species with not a blink of an eye ?? Why isn’t anyone listening ?

Decreasing the value of my home and making it impossible for me to bring business to our shops with congested traffic, odours, and just the ugliness the whole landfill proposal will bring to us.

Dresden shouldn’t have to be the GTA dumping ground. The permits are so unalike for this site than from years and years ago. You cannot call this a continuation from then until now with all the progress that has been made scientifically and medically. Shouldn’t environmental assessments or just understanding what a safety risk this is for our families be enough to shut this down?

It is a shame that York 1 is trying to come to our rural area and destroy what we have worked so hard to build.

It is a shame that we have to endure the waste from the cities that wont have to live right beside the landfills dangerous consequences as we do !! We are not the cure for the cities mismanagement of their waste for years !! Take the garbage elsewhere for our lives sake and the sake of our town. Too close to all of us. Where is the continuity of bylaws and bills ?Why do the rules only change when large amounts of money are involved. No one is thinking about the people who live here …. And it shows .