The proposed dump at Dresden…


The proposed dump at Dresden Ontario does need an environmental assessment to be considered for the uses that york 1 is proposing. With Molly creek on the edge of the property it is highly likely that any drainage from the site will potentially contaminate the creek and thus flow down stream to the Sydenham river.
The activity that is proposed includes recycling of construction waste which could include cement that would be processed into a gravel type of material . In that process dust could contaminate adjoining properties and pollute the air in the area.
The heavy truck traffic that would be created at and near this site has got to be a concern to the environment.
These types of operations should be carried out near to where the majority of the material is created which would be close to larger urban areas.this would reduce the amount of miles that trucks would have to travel to reach the recycling site.
When the original license was given for this site apparently no environmental studies were required. The small amount of material that was allowed under the original license has no comparison to the Hugh volumes that york1 is proposing to accept at the site .
In my opinion the minister of environment is compelled to demand a full environmental study if it is going to consider the request that york 1 has put forward for the Dresden property