One of the concerns we have…


One of the concerns we have about the proposal to open a dormant dump is that York1 has not been honest about the intentions, their actions and the information they are releasing to the residents of Dresden. Maybe this is the way they do business in Toronto but you don't do business in a small town in SW Ontario this way. For example,
York1 told the residents it was going to be a small recycling operation. Now, with the land they have purchased, it could be one of the largest dumps in Canada.
York1 by drilling has already messed up a local families well. A well that has been fine for years but shortly after York1 did test drilling on the site, methane appeared in the well water. York1 put in there first application to the Ministry back on November 30th. No resident in Dresden knew about the application, no resident got to comment on it. This is partly the Ministries fault, when these applications are submitted local residents should be notified or it should be posted on the land in question where people can see it.
York1 also made contact with Chatham Kent over a year ago stating in general they were interested in the land. They were asked to present to the council a presentation showing the scope and usage they were considering for the property. The never came back with this plan and felt it was within there right to go behind the residence back to get there operation up and running before people found out about it.
York1 has stated in their application that the old fly ash storage area was a source of gray clay. This clay is needed to protect the ground water from leaching of hazardous waste. It seems that as far as the residents can tell the clay in the immediate area is yellow and blue clay unsuitable for a dump location. The residents don't know that the clay is not grey but obviously a full Environmental Assessment will make that determination and if it is found not to be grey as York1 has stated then I think we know that York1 has intentionally deceived the Ministry on their application.
York1 from the beginning have be trying to deceive the residents, deceive the Municipality and possibly deceive the Ministry in their application. They are trying to use rules and zoning from 40 years ago to get their way with this proposal to the detriment of the residents of Dresden. No matter what, this is going to end up in court and no matter how long it takes this dump will be stopped. They cannot be allowed to put a mega dump and recycling center less than 800 meters from the closest subdivision in Dresden.