This recycling, dump should…


This recycling, dump should not be allowed so close to a town. It is less than 1 km from Dresden. We need at least a 3.5 km distance from the landfill to the town or abutting homes. The amount of trucks going through this town with only one main street will be too much for our infrastructure. With asbestos waste being taken, the risk of asbestosis is huge, especially is such close proximity to the town. There is a high school and elementary school with 2 km of the site. Also the silica dust from this landfill in such close proximity to a town is disastrous for the town residents. There is also Molly's creek on the property that runs into Sydenham River, which is home of several endangered species. Methane has already appeared in neighbour's water wells since York 1 started sinking wells on the property. We rely on water wells for our drinking water. Wells around the landfill all have blue and yellow clay, so it seems very suspicious that York 1 wells are the only ones with gray clay. York 1 has stated this landfill will run 24/7. The noise, the trucks, the lights shining in on neighbouring homes is unrealistic for anyone having to deal with. The proposal and what they are saying are two different things. York 1 is asking for 365,000 tonnes of waste per year. Chatham Kent produces 55,000 tonnes per year. Chatham Kent has no contract with them. There waste already goes to the Ridge landfill. so when York 1 state that waste from the facility will go to Michigan while only Chatham Kent waste will go into the landfill is a blatant lie. York 1 has been very secretive with the residents of Dresden. During one of their information meetings, I asked what they were going to use the other 2 farms they had purchased for. I was told that they didn't know and I had to ask another person. Each person I asked stated exactly the same thing. No one was going to tell me what this land was for. It has to be for an expansion because the land of the original, non-functioning landfill for that last 40 years, is definitely not going to be big enough to handle the waste they are proposing. Also they should not be able to piggyback on a old landfill that has not been used for 40 some years, and then only for fly ash.