Thank you for the…


Thank you for the opportunity to comment on ERO 019-8369.

Please note that I am NOT in favour of the following proposals, and I strongly request that these be removed from Bill 185.

-The reinstatement of the appeal rights for private developers to be able to challenge a municipality at the OLT when that municipality says no to an urban boundary expansion request. These appeal rights were removed in 2006 because they promote 1950’s-style suburban sprawl and favour developers’ profits over sound municipal planning. We must focus on building infill development such as fourplexes, which will control sprawl, save farmland, wetlands and woodlots, and mitigate the effects of the climate emergency.

-A prohibition on third party appeals - which would prevent community members from challenging planning decisions that we don't support.

-Transfer of planning responsibilities from regional governments to lower tier municipalities which don't have the resources and expertise to plan effectively and regionally. This will open up lower tier municipalities to pressure from private sector developers who seek profit at the expense of regular Ontarians.

-Changes to pre-consultation where local government and often community have the opportunity to learn, provide input and influence development in our communities. Proposed changes would weaken the voice of local councils and community members.

-Municipal Pre-Application Process changes to allow consultation to be voluntary and allow an applicant to challenge complete application requirements to the OLT at any time, rather than only having a time-limited window once a municipality rejects an application as not being “complete”.

Please note that I am IN FAVOUR of keeping the following proposals

-Reduction of parking minimums

-Promoting Additional Residential Units (ARUs)

-“Use it or lose it” tools to stop developers from holding on to land for long periods without developing it.

Thank you.