An environmental assessment…


An environmental assessment must be done. There are far too many risks to the local residents health. ABC news is airing a documentary right now called “Trashed”. A very good documentary about dumps and pollution and small cities. The facts about cancer averages, asthma and other health related problems regarding dumps, incinerators and recycling sites.
The facts are now public knowledge, it is inhumane to put this proposed landfill under 1 km from Dresden. It is barbaric to have an entire town within a 3km radius of these risks. This proposed site will be a full service transfer station, also known as a full service garbage dump. Municipalities need to deal with their own garbage, not expect other communities to live with it.
We know better, we need to do better.
What was okay in 1971 is not okay in 2024.
This is way too close to a large population.
There are also emission concerns, environmental concerns and endangered species concerns.