Good morning. I find it…


Good morning. I find it amazing to have to message to request a proposed dump site be denied. The proposed mega dump site by York 1 is less than 1 km from the town of Dresden and 1-3 kms of an entire population of ~2500. York 1 is piggy backing on an abandoned dump site- abandoned 40+ years ago. The environmental concerns and standards in 1971 certainly differ from today - we know so much more. In fact, I believe a new dump site cannot be located within 3.5 kms of a community for health and safety reasons but because in 1971 this site existed, apparently York 1 can just go ahead and reopen it, expand the site and even relocate the 1971 area. The municipality of Chatham Kent and the surrounding community of Dresden is begging the dump site be located further away from our community. There are neighbours right beside the proposed site. It is a well populated rural community, and they are entirely dependent on well water. Not to mention a creek that runs along the site that empties into the Sydenham River. The Sydenham is known to be a river with endangered species, specifically in this area. Please have York 1 and their big dollars find another location that will not affect the health and safety of an Ontario community.