The Township is supportive…


The Township is supportive of changes that recognize the unfortunate changes in the newspaper industry. While the Township currently still has access to a local newspaper we are cognizant of the fact that the situation could quickly change limiting options to expensive mailouts to the all property owners in the township for certain provincial processes requiring certain notice procedures be followed. Additional options are welcomed.

The Township does however remain very concerned with the proposal to essentially eliminate the right to appeal official plan and zoning bylaw amendments as this has been a fundamental part of the process that the majority of the public are not aware is being proposed to be taken away from them. A 30 day comment period is not enough to make all those aware who may have significant concerns with these very serious consequential changes, aware and able to offer comment to the province on their opinions on this significant change in how planning works in ontario. Further consultation should be provided on this specific issue and a better approach would be a streamlining of the types of issues that can form the basis of an appeal.

While the Township applauds the removal of the fee refund provision, the Township is concerned with the proposed loss of the ability to require preconsultation as this ability assists in streamlining the approval process and avoids delays by ensuring all necessary information is provided with an application.