I know developers have a…

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I know developers have a strong voice (relying on their money), so I decided to share some issues that I believe will influence both our community and the City authorities. I do not know if you are living currently in the area, but if you do, I highly encourage you to try riding a TTC train in the morning. Even right now and without occupancy of E-condos, Eglinton station is too crowded in the rush hours. Now consider after occupancy of E-condos (which has 632 units, and if only one person from each unit tries to use the subway, it would come up to 632 new passengers), it becomes even more crowded. I think it is impossible for TTC to send trains in less than 2 minutes, and almost every day I see delays in trains, which is inevitable. You can see this area is already full of the population, and cannot afford more people. So even "Option 3" would be disastrous for the local community. Please do not forget those people want to ride the train to the next stations (Davisville, St Clair, etc) when the train arrives at these stations, it is already full. How can these people ride it? Another issue is the resources. Roehampton Ave and Broadway Ave are already busy paths. We see every day in the morning one way blocked to let cars on the other side drive through. Now consider if you let hundreds of cars being added to this place, what will happen? Are you going to create another "super busy King street" in the heart of mid-town? Are we going to see Yong and Eglinton pilot, Roehampton Pilot, Broadway Pilot, ...? Even right now, there are shortages for other public resources. TDSB announced there is no guarantee for signing up new students in the area. I do not know if water and hydro supply would be available for all residents. I am not going to mention the lack of green space, sunlight, parking. Another big concern, why on earth we "condemned" to "suffer" from dust and construction noises for years and years? After building these high rises, greedy developers will leave both of us (Authorities and we residents) with their pockets full of profit, and we both should fight and struggle to solve the public problems. Please, do not let them ruin our community more than whatever they already did, the area has already significantly exceeded provincial growth targets. Thank you for your time, and please use your power and trust of us to stop developers greed.