As a resident of the Yonge…

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As a resident of the Yonge-Eglinton area, I am writing to express my support and that of my family and neighbours for Yonge-Eglinton Official Plan Amendment No. 405 (“OPA 405”) as adopted by the City of Toronto. OPA 405 is consistent with the Growth Plan (2017) and the Provincial Policy Statement (2014). Without this amendment, there will be disproportionate density increases and more crowding on the three residential streets immediately north of Eglinton running east off Yonge. The area is already dangerously crowded and more buildings along Eglinton East, Roehampton and Broadway in this area have already been approved with 58 , 46 , 39, 38 and 36 stories. These immense structures will pour thousands more people and cars into an already crowded residential area. They will also further reduce light on these streets and will deprive two school yards of much of their sunlight. Meanwhile there are no parks or significant green spaces along these streets, despite the rampant increases in density already underway. On Roehampton and on both sides of Yonge approaching Eglinton, the sidewalks are overflowing and unsafe at peak times, the roads are congested with cars, delivery trucks, and construction vehicles, and loud with honking from traffic jams and construction noise. Public space for children, dogs and other residents on these blocks is virtually non-existent. The wind-tunnel effect of the existing towers is acute. The overcrowding in these blocks will only get worse as the construction already underway is completed. Action must be taken through OPA 405 to limit the de-humanizing effect of over concentration in this neighbourhood. People caught in traffic or pedestrian congestion, especially when rushing to work or to the nearby subway, can become impatient and inconsiderate toward others. I am also concerned that there is already so little room for parents to walk with their children beside them or for seniors or others with mobility devices on the crowded sidewalks. Already seniors and students sometimes resort to the roadway to walk when the sidewalks are congested. This is not a safe situation. There are also many, many dogs living the condo buildings in this area, but no nearby parks or green areas for them to relieve themselves or run around. OPA 405 still provides for additional development in an area that has long since exceeded the minimum densities provided for by the Province and which is critically in need of infrastructure. But at least it seeks to preserve some open sky and hopefully will result in a livable community.