Enough is Enough!…


Enough is Enough!

How dare this Wynne government of once again deciding to just bully through our well established and respected Ontario Regulation 242/08 -Endangered Species Act, 2007. I vote that NO amendments be made to this Regulation.

One can not blame Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for this, they have to follow the "leader's" wishes. But once again she is abusing her position to satisfy the big Corporations. This time being our own Crown forests.

If she continues to just chip away at our natural and protected lands - we will have none left for our future generations AND our species that are already at risk, will eventually become extinct.

As a Citizen and tax payer, and elector ..of this and future provincial government....STOP meddling with the set and regulated laws protecting our beautiful Province and its magnificent animals!

[Original Comment ID: 212913]