part 2: 3. In secti and the…

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part 2: 3. In secti and the report acknowledges a daily loss of water of 523,728 L. Even this acknowledged loss represents 32% of their daily pumping capacity and as indicated, company officials have suggested up to 85% water loss. B. GDH is relying upon the subjective observations of a provincial inspector who is charged with protection of the environment. His/her statements are more in line with being an advocate for the proponent an inappropriate for inclusion in this application. They are subjective opinions at best, they are not supported by evidence, science or facts. The comments are convenient for reference in the application, but should hold no merit when subjected to critical review. As a taxpayer, I am disturbed that the 'regulator' of this business operator would be offered or relied upon within the PTTW permit application yet to be approved by the same government body! This is a rather inappropriate conflict underpinned by significant bias and frankly it is a disturbing use of a subjective opinion of a non-expert government official. C. The report identifies that the upper drainage area, and unconfined shallow aquifer that are subject to run-off from pond overflow is underlayed by thick clay. Although this aquitard may prevent penetration of sediment laden run-off from the pit into the deeper aquifer, it is exactly why the local community wells that utilize the upper aquifer are being compromised. D. In the absence of any evidence to validate the impact of run-off and infiltration of wash water into the groundwater, it would be scientifically invalid to accept the hypothesis that the operations of the Teedon Pit are not harming or causing an adverse effect to the natural environment. In conclusion, the Precautionary Principle must be applied in this case. Further study by independent credible parties must be performed due to the inherent uncertainty of the operational impact of the Teedon Pit on the Alliston Aquifer. Negative environmental consequences must be avoided and the aquifer must be protected by those empowered to protect our natural environment and natural resources. It is my position that the PTTW permit 5003-APFH26 should not be renewed and in fact should be suspended forthwith.

[Original Comment ID: 213765]