Comments on ERO Number 019…


Comments on ERO Number 019-1406

That the Town of Georgina support the following in regards to the proposed regulatory matters pertaining to community benefits authority under the Planning Act, the Development Charges Act, and the Building Code Act:

1. The Province’s goal to increase the affordable housing supply in Ontario communities.

2. The Province’s intent to ensure Municipalities remain revenue neutral under the new Community Benefits Authority.

3. The required content of a community benefits charge strategy.

4. Services eligible to be funded through development charges:

• Public Libraries, including library materials for circulation, reference or information purposes
• Long-term care
• Parks development, such as playgrounds, splash pads, equipment and other park amenities
• Public health
• Recreation, such as community recreation centres and arenas

5. The removal of the 10% legislated reduction for discounted services.

6. The proposed percentage of land value for determining a maximum community benefits charge.

• The Town of Georgina would be able to achieve revenue neutrality with a 10% percentage cap as outlined in the proposed regulatory framework for lower tier municipalities.

7. The proposed timeline to transition to the new community benefits charge regime by one year after the date the proposed community benefits charge regulation comes into effect.

8. The proposed community benefits charge by-law notice.

That the Town of Georgina request the Province:

1. To remove the requirement for a development charge by-law update in order to collect the additional 10% for soft services such as parks development, recreational facilities, and library facilities.