The Municipality of Brockton…

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Commentaire fait au nom

Municipality of Brockton

Statut du commentaire


The Municipality of Brockton would like to reiterate its unconditional support for the extension of natural gas service to the many businesses and residents of our rural municipality that do not have access to this efficient, and cost-effective source of fuel.

It is critical to our future growth and economic development. Brockton is the leader in agricultural production in Bruce County, and access to natural gas tops the wish-list of our agribusinesses, as well as residents, developers and smaller businesses in our rural hamlets and villages.
Competition for gas projects creates an opportunity for communities such as ours to have service extended to them. Rights for future projects should not be contingent on whether utilities have CPCNs but rather, whether they are willing to expand into unserved regions, providing the best service to the most customers for the best value.

EPCOR has offered this to the Municipality of Brockton and we would be extremely grateful to see EPCOR’s application approved to serve the most residents in the Municipality possible.

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