Comment #3: The land proposed for aggregate extraction is the winter/spring source of food for White Tailed Deer and possible movement corridor for other animal species.
This comment is based on daily sightings, when amount of snow and weather allow, of several deer grazing, observed from our situation within 120 meters from the proponents boundary.
The SWHTG (MNR 2000) defines animal movement corridors as elongated, naturally vegetated parts of the landscape used by animals to move from one habitat to another. This is generally in response to different seasonal habitat requirements. (Golder report 6.7.2)
Although not mapped as such this land appears to fit the requirement of an animal movement corridor for the following reasons:-
Based on our observation of this area over many years the White Tailed Deer come from the surrounding Environmentally Protected area onto the proponents property for their grazing source of food in the winter and early spring.
This same area proposed for destruction during aggregate extraction going on for 5-10 years, appears to be a movement corridor and source of food for Wild Turkey, Black Bear and Coyotes as well as the White Tailed Deer who pass through this area as they traverse through the Conservation lands to the Environmentally Protected forested area, Provincially Significant Wetlands and on to our property as well where sightings and signs are observed and documented all year.
Soumis le 5 août 2022 2:35 PM
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St. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) - Issuance of a licence to remove over 20,000 tonnes of aggregate annually from a pit or a quarry
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