The Corporation of the City…

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Identifiant (ID) du commentaire


Commentaire fait au nom

The City of Barrie

Statut du commentaire


The Corporation of the City of Barrie's Environmental Compliance unit (City) has reviewed the ERO proposal and has the following comments to be taken into consideration regarding the proposed Permit to Take Water:
1. A Discharge Agreement will be required for any construction dewatering discharging into a municipal infrastructure, prior to any discharge.
2. The groundwater analyzed had concentrations of Chromium, Iron, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Phosphorus, Tin, Vanadium, Zinc that exceeded the PWQO unfiltered. Has any soil sampling been conducted on Site to determine if the contamination is in the soil?
3. A statement should be provided indicating where unfiltered PWQO exceedance in the metal concentrations are originating/representing. Does the site contain contaminated areas of concern? It is recommended that further subsoil investigation be conducted.
4. An estimated start-up date is August 1, 2022, has a discharge and monitoring plan been developed? Has approval from the City or the LSRCA been obtained for the discharge(s)?
5. Permanent Dewatering is not permitted in the City of Barrie.
6. The artesian conditions on site for the three shallow (MW 32S-20, BH/MW28 and BH/MW 12) and one deep (BH/MW 32) monitoring wells, will this have any impact on the site plan design?
7. Pg. 18 of the Hydrogeological Assessment, 883 Mapleview Drive East, report prepared by EXP, revised date Feb 11, 2021, states that during construction it is anticipated that TSS levels and associated metal concentrations, in the pumped groundwater may remain elevated and may exceed the by-law limits and/or PWQO. Therefore, it is recommended that a suitable treatment method be implemented (filtration or decantation facilities and/or any other applicable treatment system) during construction dewatering and groundwater control activities. Has a treatment plan been development? Which should include contingency measures for non-compliance.