Wetlands are extremely…

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Wetlands are extremely important not just to the wildlife that lives there, but to humans as well. They capture rain water during intense storms which prevents flooding, maintains surface flow, and filters pollutants from our drinking water. Without wetlands, residential flooding would be more common, droughts would be more frequent, and clean drinking water more difficult to produce. If wetland ecosystems are destroyed, the long term financial cost to towns and cities will be monumental.

Any proposal, including this one, that opens up existing Provincially Significant Wetland ecosystems to any sort of development will never have my support. I strongly urge the Provincial Government to reconsider this proposal and instead focus on building upward, not outward. Increasing population density within city limits by allowing different kinds of housing, such as apartments, townhouses, attached and semi-detached homes to be built has a multitude of benefits over urban expansion. It would not only give people varied levels of cost, allowing those of lower income a place to live. It also preserves the natural landscape outside city boundaries, allowing tourism to flourish, bringing economic value to the region.

I will only ever support a Provincial Government that recognizes the economic benefits of untouched, protected, natural ecosystems. Please be one by rethinking this proposal.