Leave the Greenbelt alone…

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Leave the Greenbelt alone. Stop the undemocratic decision making that benefits developers not citizens. The Ford government does not represent the majority of Ontarians as election results document. Having seized power undemocratically, he now rules for his wealthy aristocratic bros, pretending that their privilege is the cornerstone of a democratic society. What a dangerous farce.

Stop pretending that building more homes will make homes affordable. Stop allowing MZOs as they merely highlight the authoritarian nature of Ford rule in the kingdom of Ontario. Instead, demonstrate to Ontario that Ford will build X number of homes for sale at Y $. Show us the affordable homes plan first. Stop lying. The market is NOT dedicated to building affordable homes. The market has failed to provide this necessity of life, yet Ford doubles down on this failed, distorted ideology. [My, he does love to pretend he is not a vicious ideologue, doesn't he?]

Ford does not deserve any credibility or cooperation on this issue.

Corrupted politics produces anti-social, anti-democratic policies - the extreme right rules Ontario based upon lies. Shame.