November 21, 2022
Premier’s Office
Room 281,
Legislative Building, Queens Park,
Toronto, ON, M7A 1A1
Sent via email.
Re: Bill 23 More Homes Built Faster Act
Dear Honorable Doug Ford, Premier
During the November 14th 2022, Bluewater Council meeting, Council received a report outlining the proposed changes to Bill 23 More Homes Built Faster Act. Council for the municipality is submitting the following comments and resolution, regarding the proposed Bill 23 changes to the multiple legislations.
With these proposed changes several powers will be removed from local elected councils, including controls for design and development of the municipality. The burden will be placed on the existing taxpayers to cover costs of development. The changes proposed under the Development Charges Act puts more burden on growth in small and rural communities. Existing tax base cannot be responsible for future growth and costs associated with increasing infrastructure needs as the reduction of the development charges will delay the implementation of required infrastructure for a community.
Both the phasing in of development charges and the removal of collection for affordable housing hinders councils’ ability to provide new growth, as the collection of development charges will be prolonged and not assigned to projects as required and needed. Rural municipalities do not have sufficient tax base to deal with the capacities required with new growth. The further requirement of spending or allocating 60% of collected fees restricts the current timelines created by municipalities for the current planned infrastructure upgrades.
The inclusion of accessory residential units within communities further restricts elected councils’ control toward planning requirements. This can create different issues within a community and removes the public and council from consulting to ensure there is no potential impact on how development and intensification can occur, including the limitations of existing capacity for communities.
Changes to the heritage plans and districts for communities to include all properties under the heritage act is onerous for rural municipalities. This function will require more time and finances for heritage committees and municipalities to review with owners and a more appropriate amount of time should be considered to allow for these functions to happen.
Increased investments and support to municipalities should be considered by the province to accommodate the anticipated development goals required to allow for increased housing supply to communities. Bill 23, as presented, fails to address the stated goals of an increasing housing supply. Changes to the development charges legislation is not an appropriate means to create more growth as the planned projects may be postponed to not allow for growth as required.
The passage of Bill 23 More Homes Built Faster Act, should be deferred to allow for appropriate and fulsome feedback from municipal governments, including the consultation with other pertinent bodies including ROMA, AMO, OPPI, and Conservation Ontario.
Council Resolution:
THAT Council receives this Bill 23 – More Homes Built Faster Act Report and attachments for information purposes;
AND THAT Council direct staff to compose a commenting letter to the Premier of Ontario Doug Ford, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Steve Clark, Local MPP Lisa Thompson, and all other Ontario municipalities stating concerns regarding the following points under the proposed Bill 23 More Homes Built Faster Act Changes to various other acts and regulations;
AND THAT Council strongly recommends that substantial Provincial investment be provided to support municipalities to fund anticipated infrastructure upgrades to accommodate new development goals and growth, and compensate for decrease of development charge funding opportunities as outlined in the proposed legislation;
AND THAT Bill 23 as presented, fails to address the stated goals of increasing housing supply, housing affordability and improved process and instead will result in the loss of environmental protections, parklands, heritage conservations, urban design and accountability to the public;
AND THAT the removal of development charge collection for affordable housing removes councils’ ability to plan for future growth of services with less monies available, and the cost of services and expansion becomes a burden of the taxpayers;
AND THAT the phasing of development charges over 5 years reduces councils’ ability to provide for future growth within the municipality, as the collection at reduced rate from the calculation will slow the ability to allow for more housing and growth within the municipality;
AND THAT the requirement to spend 60% of the collection of development charges towards water, wastewater and road services on an annual basis erodes the ability for council to plan for future growth, as the monies calculated can not be targeted for specific projects. Further this function will only delay responsibilities of some local governments and may create increased development charges in future years;
AND THAT the inclusion of Accessory Residential Units in all serviced residential areas further erodes the local governments control on developing communities, as this may create different issues within a community or a municipality. Maintaining the existing use of local control with the zoning bylaw allows for appropriate growth based on community needs;
AND THAT the updating of heritage plans and districts to include all properties to be designated under the heritage act is onerous and difficult for small rural councils. A more appropriate amount of time should be considered so that all heritage properties can be reviewed with property owners to ensure the properties are protected as required.
Bill 23 More Homes Built Faster Act Report
Chandra Alexander
Manager of Corporate Services/Clerk
Supporting documents
Soumis le 22 novembre 2022 6:38 PM
Commentaire sur
Modifications proposées à la Loi sur le patrimoine de l’Ontario et à ses règlements : Projet de loi 23 – (annexe 6) la Loi de 2022 visant à accélérer la construction de plus de logements
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