It is nothing short of…

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It is nothing short of abhorrent that Doug Ford is breaking his campaign promise and allowing building developers to rape our greenbelt. To anyone paying attention, it is exceptionally clear that the only people who stand to profit from this move are building developers, and at this point the corruption we are seeing from the Ford government is blatant enough to warrant investigation. Such a coincidence that developers bought thousands of acres of untouchable greenbelt land only to now stand poised to make massive profits as the Ford government lifts restrictions and allows them to build. It is laughable that the public is expected to believe that this move is being made in the interest of increasing affordable housing. Sub/urban sprawl in our greenbelt land will do nothing to mitigate the cost of living crisis; it will only funnel money into the pockets of wealthy developers while destroying land that belongs to the public. Our natural heritage is being sold out from under us to enrich a very select few, and I would be as appalled as I would be unsurprised, to see our government officials stand complacently by as Bill 23 goes through. Ford's Ontario isn't "open for business," it's up for sale to the highest bidder.