I am opposed to Bill 23…

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I am opposed to Bill 23 which includes ERO-019-6216 /6217 /6218. This action is regressive and will not result in more homes built faster. All Bill 23 and Bill 39 will do is cost the taxpayer bilions of dollars and make developers wealthier. The hurried and lack of consultation process to pass these Bills is WRONG. Your government is diminishing the influence of municipal councilos, off loading local taxpayers with infrastructure costs, decrteading funding for urban parkland and eroding the ability of conservation authories to protect watersheds.
The Conservative Government needs to show Ontario voters that Education, Health and Climate Change are their priorities not uncontrollable development and new highways (413) FORD publically stated that the Greenbelt would NOT be touched. Now he is proving to be a liar -not the characteristic one looks for in a politician.