I am against this proposal,…

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I am against this proposal, I want it stopped. There is no way there was zero collusion by our Ford Government and people like DeGasperis who borrowed millions to buy a greenspace, only to then years down the road find out a person he has financially backed and broke election promises and now changes protected land, benefiting one of his backers- let's really look at those odds because it's an impractical calculation and offensive this government thought they could get away with it. There has also been an RCMP and Elections Canada investigation into the Ford, Lecce and DeGasperis relationships because DeGasperis paid for a series of adds tied to a PR firm owned by Minister Lecce that Ford used to go against the Teachers Union, how exactly did the province not have a conflict check on a large deal-it's public information? Also concerning there are no checks and balances in the government that caught this fraudulent activity, that is a failure or it highlights just how corrupt things have become over the last 4.5 years and I have lost confidence in my provincial government. The GreenBelt is protected for a host of reasons, I would like to ensure our region has clean water, regions to grow fresh food, and to help with our global climate crisis which is real. The homes build with the revisions made by the gov't under Bill23 will allow developers like DeGasperis to essentially do whatever they want and never have to go to a planning commission, this shows the intent between Doug Ford, his Gov't and the builder friends he has, so either he has such a conflict of interest and he never should have participated in this, allowing opposition to rule or he has colluded fraudulently, neither are good, however one should result in charges by the police. These homes are not low income, they are all private at market for sale, and can have low income removed now under Bill23, this is straight profit at the cost of destroying valuable greenspace and I do not want it- I am disgusted he even wanted to do this. When I head out of Toronto, the air is cleaner and our GreenBelt is beautiful- everyone deserves clean air in this province, now and in the future. Ford destroying it for his friends is criminal and he must be stopped. The only people who will be able to afford $1M and over homes are not new comers to Canada like he said, but rich investors, he does nothing to solve housing problems. Ford should build first on provincial land that is under used here and not land that violates any greenspace, including things like the Don, the Greenbelt or any water or parkland. Either we are protecting our beautiful province or we are going to let him destroy it, and I am not in the latter category. In my lifetime I have never seen what is openly such horrifying acts of blatant corruption in the province of Ontario. These activities must be investigated for criminal charges. I am opposed to destroying the GreenBelt along with any protected waterways or greenspaces. I would like a criminal investigation into just how this unfolded and I believe most in Ontario feel the same as I do, we are aghast this has gotten this far.