Lands should not be removed…

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Lands should not be removed from the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act. As soon as the policy is opened up for one edit, what is to stop the government from opening more of its area for development. There is ample space outside of protected areas to develop and meet the need for more housing. Sprawl and detached housing will not meet our housing needs. We need to build up, not out, and protect communities proximate access to green space. Infringes on Oak Ridges Moraine's protected natural space infringes on the promise to protect the welfare of both current and future Ontarian's. The majority of the area being proposed to be removed from the Conservation Act is that of protected agricultural lands. As senseless sprawl continues, Ontarian's food security is becoming more and more threatened. We are already extremely reliant on globalized supply chains to feed our people, removing more agricultural land from protections will only make it worse.

The "More Homes Built Faster" is proposing to destroy decades old environmental policy in the name of "providing more homes" for Ontario's increasing population; however as this policy continually attacks agricultural lands, how is Ontario going to feed this growing population? This will simply lead to more food imports, and larger agricultural deficits. It is bad economics. Ontario will have more people, more sprawl and less food to go around.