This PC Government is very…

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This PC Government is very good at using lofty language to make it sound as if they care about the needs of ordinary people in Ontario. But it's all clever misdirection to permit unregulated urban sprawl beyond countryside lines, chewing up essential farmland, paving over greenspaces and wetlands, cutting down forests - in a word, destroying our environmental commons. Why? To enrich developers and land speculators at the expense of EVERYONE else. This isn't about building affordable housing, most especially when their legislation ties the cost of housing to market rates rather than to the traditional 30% of income. Municipalities have excellent 30 year land use plans, which clearly indicate how they will meet their local affordable housing needs, while also protecting their countryside lines. Ford's government would have us build suburbs requiring completely new sewer, water, power, and transit infrastructure, at the cost of millions to local taxpayers in every city across the province. This is infuriating and appalling, wasteful in the extreme, destructive for the sake of crass profit. This is a despicable government that pretends to govern while looting and pillaging our common heritage and our wallets.