As a Dresden Resident and…

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As a Dresden Resident and Business Owner, we are absolutely and unequivocally against this plan of York1 to create a Recycling Facility/Increased Landfill at this location.

We are calling on the Province of Ontario to REJECT this project.

Encourage York1 to seek out another site that is more appropriate for a facility of this scope, along the 400 series highways in the GTA area where all this waste will be coming from.

This site is not appropriate for a project of this scale for so many reasons, number one reason being it is TOO CLOSE to Dresden.

All of the other concerns are included in the several supporting links that I have provided below.

-Pollution of our waterways (Sydenham River), Airborne, Toxic Leachate, Soil, Emissions
-Volume of increased truck traffic is unacceptable on every level and cannot be remedied. It just does not work for our infrastructure.
-Species at Risk in the Sydenham River this is of extreme importance and preservation of the Sydenham River habitat for endangered species is of the utmost concern.
-Safety for our residents and students on the roadways-the Lambton Kent District School Board has also voiced their support in opposing this project.
-This site is DORMANT and York1 is trying to push this through as if it has been running and operating as a landfill currently. This is not an operational landfill and any new development would be NEW Landfill
-Historical evidence in Ontario has shown that the maximum distance within which adverse effects could be experienced while a landfill is operating is up to 3 kilometres. The entire community of Dresden is encompassed within that 3 km radius of this site. (D-4 Land Use On or Near Landfills and Dumps)

York1 has not been forthcoming with information, and did not initiate public meetings in good faith. The first meeting they scheduled was a closed meeting for small number of neighbors which was only opened to the public after significant pressure to do so from the town.
The second meeting was also not in good faith as an actual Q & A meeting, it was a divide and conquer with several different tables with sub contractors in most cases not even York1 employees to stand and answer questions. You could not hear any of the dialogue going on, and they did not provide a single chair for people to sit down. We left having more questions and frustrations than before.

York1 is operating quietly to bully this town with their unclear "plans" that are consistently open-ended so that we as citizens have no guarantee of exactly what they will end up doing, or what the province will direct them to do after any approvals are made.

Please do not override the citizens of this community in this matter. We are vehemently opposed to this and we are calling on our province to do the right thing. We have our elected officials, every major stakeholder, business owners, Environmental Groups, School Board, neighboring Municipalities and virtually every citizen in and around town who oppose this project. We are a united front that has managed to rally up incredibly fast to organize our public outcry messaging with an impressive amount of news generated to send a clear answer:
We say NO

Thank you,
Resident & Business Owner
Dresden, Ontario