In over 25 years NO…


In over 25 years NO environmental studies have ever been done surrounding this landfill proposal to drain into environmentally protected Molly's Creek and to see how many endangered species are at risk of extinction when leachate asbestos and poison pours into the Sydenham River?

Has this government consulted with native territories down stream of Molly's Creek along the Sydenham river to know if they oppose this project? NO they have NOT!! WHY?

Why has this government allowed these proposals to be introduced knowing that this proposal will reopen a 40 year old closed landfill that has only dealt with Fly ash in the past and is less than 500 meters away from residential homes and schools?

Why is this government not ready to address all the detrimental health concerns raised by residents if they have to live beside a landfill that leaches poison and gas into the surrounding environment and is less than 1 km away from homes and schools?

The citizens want to know, How much has this government received in private payouts and donations from officials at York1 to pave their way and lining pockets of this government to reopen a small 40 year old closed landfill with outdated ECA numbers that no longer exist so York1 can expand this property into a mega dump landfill?
We have researched the election donations from York 1 officials to this government and it reaches the max allowed every year. Suspect? YES!!
Why doesn't all 3 of these proposals ever mention anything about a regenerative recycling facility, but only mentions landfills and leachate ponds that will expel leachate and poison directly into an environmentally protected area of the Sydenham river and Molly's Creek.?
Why has York1 finally posted on their website that their transfer stations are really garbage dumps landfills but not told the ministry this?

Does this government realize that asbestos and other harmful byproducts from soil washing can cause cancers, mesothelioma and death to residents and endangered species who live within 500 meters from town homes and schools and is so close to one of these proposed landfill garbage dump sites?

In 2018 Doug Ford was quoted saying on the campaign trail, that he respects "the right for local municipalities to make the decisions best for their communities. The Ford Government has shown its willingness to increase municipal powers. It must now keep it's promise concerning landfill sites,
Recently Doug Ford stated if the people don't want it, they don't have to have it when asked about this Dresden site.. Why has he not triggered Bill 197 yet or revoked this proposal and WHY will he NOT come to Dresden to see why the people are so concerned when he toured southwestern Ontario with Steve Pinsonnault before he won this riding in MAY 2024?

In 2018 when the province introduced legislation that would give them – and other municipalities – the right to say no to new landfill sites. That also includes a 3.5 km distance from Towns. why would this government allow a closed landfill to be reopened and expanded as a new landfill less than 500 METERS away from this historic town of Dresden?

An environmental assessment needs to be done to show this is the wrong location for this proposed waste garbage transfer station landfill