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Opening up this kind of dog training is cruel and inhumane. There is no need for this kind of "sport". Please reconsider this as many animals will die a horrible death.

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I completely disagree with the proposal put forth by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry in Ontario, which would allow for new licenses and transfer of licenses for train and trial areas. Lire davantage

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It is ludicrous that we are providing an arena to not only enable, but encourage, an archaic and inhumane "sport" in dog hunting. Lire davantage

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My god how can we be going backwards all the time by actively encouraging and legalizing animal cruelty and abuse!? I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Lire davantage

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Ontario is better than this! We don't support this kind of cruelty to the hounds and the other animals used to train them. This is the kind of behaviour and conditions our PAWS would/should be investigating. Never mind the cruelty in hunting these canids. Lire davantage

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I do not agree with any of this new licence for this style of dog training and I believe that they should cancel all others. Save the wildlife,

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Please do not renew the licences for penned dog “hunting” facilities. Teaching dogs to chase and attack animals in enclosures does not teach the dog to hunt. It teaches the dog to bite other animals and possibly children. Lire davantage

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This is a step backwards. Canada should be steadily moving away from all forms of hunting and trapping. It is barbaric to capture and keep a wild animal. Ontario is making some terrible decisions regarding the environment and wildlife. Coyote shooting contests? This is not right. Lire davantage

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I am strongly against this proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. These facilities operate on animal cruelty for entertainment which is absolutely sick. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose Penned dog training. To capture a wild animal to be used as bait is cruel, unethical and not what most, even in the hunting world, would consider “sport”. Therefore only cruel, unethical and those not interested in hunting would be attracted to such a facility. Lire davantage

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I do not think new licenses or transfers of licenses should be permitted for this. It is inhumane, and grotesque that these facilities even exist. It is cruel and we can, and need to do better.

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This is messed up. Instead of Ontario loosing its animal cruelty laws, it should focus on making them stricter and increasing punishment for individuals who break them. Lire davantage

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I can’t even believe I am hearing about such an incredibly inhumane, cruel practice existing!! I find the idea of creating new licenses totally abhorrent. Instead, it would seem to me that the existing licenses should be cancelled immediately. Lire davantage

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I was just made aware of this new proposed legislation; and it sickens me. This will single-handedly allow hunters to capture wild animals, keep them penned, and subject them to cruelty, abuse and trauma, all to allow hunters to train their dogs to hunt. It is BARBARIC. Lire davantage

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Penned hunting for sport should not be allowed. It’s a disgusting misuse of human power over our wildlife. In addition, training our dogs to rip apart these animals is not a far stretch from dog fitting which is ILLEGAL in Canada. Lire davantage

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This is HORRIFIC:( Opening applications for train and trial spaces after 25 years is a massive step backward into the past. These facilities have no place in Ontario. Close all the current ones ASAP!

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I fiercely oppose the dog train and trial facilities; they are real-life horror shows for the wildlife victims involved, causing them and all humans that respect wildlife, mental anguish. Lire davantage

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The proposal to trap wildlife in pens in order to train dogs to hunt & kill for the pleasure of such cruel sport of torturing innocent wild animals for the financial gain of those who would own & run these facilities!this is possibly the most inhumane proposal I have ever heard of!!!!! Lire davantage

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Absolutely oppose this proposal. How the supposed benefits for the operation of a facility like this could somehow outweigh our responsibility to treat wildlife in a humane and ethical is beyond me. Lire davantage